Digital Learning Specialist
Digital Learning Unit
The DESE Digital Learning Unit (formerly Team Digital) is a free resource provided through the education cooperatives to provide guidance, support, and training for digital and blended learning. Assistance and training cover a wide variety of digital learning resources. Email or call 870-730-2924.
We support schools as they adopt online providers and design their own online content, to ensure the best digital learning experience for students. We educate stakeholders on best digital learning practices, and support districts in their creation and implementation of digital learning plans. We also partner with digital learning entities, such as Virtual Arkansas and the Office of Innovation for Education, to support the implementation of quality digital content and professional learning.
Additionally, the Digital Learning Unit can also support how to evaluate effective online instruction and programs, and create effective Collaborative Team meetings with both in-person and virtual teachers. We also can support addressing the different levels of HRS and designing an effective guaranteed viable online curriculum.

Katie Pittenger